Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Where I write...where do you write?

Some thoughts...notice the visual persuasion at work in the final image. Does it convey a message? To whom? What evidence is at work for the message?

Where I write in my daybook...when I'm not writing in it elsewhere

Where I write when...I'm not writing in my daybook

Why your papers must be stapled...(I'll lose lose pages).

1 comment:

  1. Great idea, Professor Malcolm. I love to see where you write and a feeling comes in my mind. Also this messy place can be a good place to write. When I write, I always try to write in a neat and tidy place. I will try to write in a messy place next time and I want to compare the writing which I write in a neat place with the writing which I write in a messy place. Thanks for sharing these with us.
